What We Do

Since 2010, our experts have offered technical assistance to 1100+ providers across the District – helping them improve care coordination and patient outcomes through effective use of health IT.

Connecting the District’s Health Care Community through the Health Information Exchange (HIE)

Effective local care requires close coordination and timely information.

We help DC-based providers connect to the DC HIE so they can easily share patient data – right from their EHR – and access longitudinal health information and quality reporting.

Capabilities and Services

Stakeholder Engagement

Conduct focus groups and interviews to solicit provider feedback on programs and initiatives

Education and Outreach

Raise awareness of technical assistance programs and educate providers on best practices

District Liaison

Serve as a liaison between the Medicaid provider community and Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF)

Technical Assistance

Provide hands-on tailored support to achieve interoperability objectives

HIE Connectivity

Help District providers connect to the DC Health Information Exchange (DC HIE)

Care Continuum

Connect and serve the full spectrum of DC providers — from HCBS to health centers — for better patient care

13+ Years of Provider Success

Our experts have helped hundreds of hospitals, physicians, dentists, nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, and other providers in the District earn millions in incentives from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

Providers Supported
500 +
New connections to DC HIE
2000 +
Incentives Earned
$ 6 M

What Providers Are Saying